Saturday, December 24, 2011

How Could My Life Be Better?

    What else is possible here?
  My wonderful and curious readers! Today's topic is also about You, and I can never stress it enough! YOU are always the center and the cause of everything that happens in YOUR LIFE. Yes! Everything! All the good things and all the bad things!
  If you are not fully aware of your mind, then what you are busy looking at is what the mind creates in order to keep itself fascinated by itself. Left unattended consciously the best that our mind can create is what it already knows, experience and what stores in our unconscious data base mind.
 That's why we often find ourselves in the same situations over and over again, and blame other people for being just like the ones before them, and doing the same bad things to us.
  How do we then break the circle and start living consciously and making decisions and choosing people that are right for us?
  How do we make conscious decisions?
  Just like in any other subjects to change the way things are you have to be aware of what they are first.
  Here are some examples of the questions to ask yourself:
     1. If I do this ______?
     2. If I think this ______?
     3. If I make this ______?
     4. Would it be for my highest and best good?
     5. My happy end result is _______!
     6. If I buy this ____ will it make me money?
     7. If I move to this new house does it expand me?
     8. Will it improve my life?
     9. If I add some more self-care to my life will it get better?
    10. Am I doing _____?
    11. Am I willing _____?
    12. What else is possible here?
    13. What would it take to get _______?
    14. What would it take for ______ to show up in my life, easy, with grace, and joy?
    15. What question should I ask to be connected to be Higher-Self?

                "The definition of insanity- is doing the same thing over and over   again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
                                                            ~The Creator

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is Unconditional Love?

We were so taught by our society to give everything that we experience an agenda ''Like or dislike button''(like in a facebook) that we really think that  what we like will stay with us,and what we don't like will disappear  That's not how is really works from the Universal energy point of it(which is the real Truth of the Creation).
 How does that work then? See..... that unconditional love that all of us are trying to find in our lives, or at least to get to understand what it means, in reality is simply OUR ATTENTION! But attention without an agenda( + or -attached to it) or judgement! If you just put your attention on something or someone and let them Be the way there Are, you give them your unconditional love.This love that you give without any conditions ( agenda or judgments ) allows you to receive from that thing or person that you put your love (attention)to.
Lets see what happens when you add your buttons to it. Lets put the ''Like'' button first. When you say that you like something or someone you make a separation between you and whatever it is that you like. Even if that thing or person likes you back you can never receive each other. You have the same polarity (+).You will always like and want that thing ,but never received , never integrated it into your energy , never Be It!
Now,what happens if we dislike something(hoping that it disappears). When we don't like something we resist it ! But so happens in the energy world that what we resist -persist! So, what we don't like will stay with us for as long as we don't like it!
How cool is that? Not very! But this is the Truth of the Universal Laws that the whole Universe follows.!
Why do we go against these laws and expect to survive and have all the good things come to us ? Why is it that we can't find the balance and peace in our lives?
Guess what? It is not our fault(in a way ). We were taught to perceive life this way by our parents and people around us. The good thing is : we can teach ourselves the right way (The Universal Truth's way), and it doesn't take a lot of time and effort, all it take is knowledge and persistence.
                                                                  Love and Light!

                                                                      The Creator.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Story

    "Almost everything we'll ever do in our life that is really powerful, that really produces a result in our life, that quantum-leaps us to a new level ... requires us to do something uncomfortable. It takes risks to achieve. Its often scary. Its requires something you didn't know before or a skill you didn't have before, but in the end, its worth it. As former Congressman Ed Forman says 'Winners are those people who make a habit of doing things losers are uncomfortable doing.'. Make today your day to start that uncomfortable new habit."
                                                                                        - Jack Canfield
       Hi, my name is Irina and I want to tell you my story. When I was diagnosed with Cancer (Yes this scary word) I went through the whole spectrum of feelings. You can imagine from being in denial (This can't happen to me) to be being depressed (Leave me alone, Don't want to see anybody.). But my story is not about the disease (which turns out to be the blessing, the best thing that ever happened in my life.) it is about my understanding of that wake up call, that gave me the courage to change my whole life. Without any prior knowledge in healing or self-healing, without proper reading and writing skills (English is not my first language.) I took Reiki classes on the Internet (Without any computer skills, besides checking my emails." and started my self-healing. Information started pouring at me! I get into Access Consciousness, Chakra Balancing , Quantum Healing, and other healing modalities. I took a Life Coaching course at Universal Class, and became a successful life coach on spiritual development. I started my own business in Stress Management and Energy Healing in a new comfortable office in South Hampton, PA. I also created an online business, wrote my own Ebooks, and Guided Meditation Cd's, videos on YouTube, and free community seminars. All of this happened in the last 8 months (I was diagnosed in December 2010). Needless to say there is no Cancer. I feel full of energy, I see thousands of possibilities. My Husband and my three kids are thrilled with the changes we experienced. Looking back at the years that I just stayed home spending my time watching the news and television WOW! What a turn my life took! And all thanks to the wonderful diagnosis. If not for that I wouldn't have miracles in my life. What are the miracles? No it is not how well I am now, not how fast i run everything, it is my everyday miracles. When people that were on the machines and in bed for 6 months after his stroke, all of a sudden go on vacation to Italy (By them selves). These are the miracles from GOD and I feel so blessed to take part in it!
                                                   <Love and Light>
                                                                          -The Creator

Friday, September 9, 2011

The word is “NOW”

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Going through different challenges in our life and trying to fix various aspects of our being  it is extremely important to take responsibility and realize, that we are the ones that create those problems and challenges in  our lives.

But how do we create our problems?

Just like everything else in our lives- with our thoughts. Do not believe anything I say! Check it for yourself! Stop for a split second and think of something bad that is going to happen tomorrow (anything, use your imagination) and check how you feel.

Your body starts getting tense, your heart starts pounding, your blood pressure raises, your mind immediately starts looking for ways to protect from what is going to happen, and you are literally waiting for it!
Now, remember, you made it up! It is not your reality! It is just an exercise, a fire drill if you will, but you feel all this physical responses literally! 

What do you think just happened here?

That’s right! You just realize exactly how you create all your problems.
The answer for all of this is to live in “NOW”. Not in the future (where bad things might happen), not in the past (where bad thing already happened and remembering them makes you feel bad), but right now, here, where we are suppose to be!

Thoughts like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest on the material level.

                                                                                                  -Remez Sasson

Monday, August 29, 2011

It all starts with the words "I trust in the process!".

"We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend."
                                                     - Robert Louis Stevenson 

 My dear reader, this is the beginning of your journey to a bigger, healthier, and wealthier You!
   One day you just realize that all the drama that's been happening in your life and all the struggles you're going through can not be for nothing. I mean, there has to be a reason behind the drama other than the drama itself! Then you start asking all kinds of questions like "Why do I need it in my life?", "What is it for?", "Who am I?", "Why am I here?", and "What is the purpose of all that I do?". Lets be honest, all of us come to this point in our lives. But the beauty of this moment is really profound! For the first time in your life you stop perceiving yourself as what you have or what you have done, and start seeing yourself as who you are. This is the beginning of your journey inwards to remember the Truth of who You really are! The idea of "I trust in the process!" is to remember all the negative experiences and feelings we had and process them, then find an absolute opposite positive feelings that we actually wanted to create with the negative ones, and Accept It As Our Truth!  That's how we move from the duality consciousness into oneness!
                        The Optimist Creed
              - Was authored by Christian D. Larson in 1912.
                                  Promise Yourself
- To be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
- To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
- To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
- To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
- To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
- To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
- To forget the mistakes of the past and pass on to the great achievements of the future.
- To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
- To give so much time to the improvement of yourself, that you have no time to criticize others.
- To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
       "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self."       
                                                                            - Aristotle
                < Love and Light to You>   
 Thank you for your comments below.
                              - The Creator