Friday, September 9, 2011

The word is “NOW”

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Going through different challenges in our life and trying to fix various aspects of our being  it is extremely important to take responsibility and realize, that we are the ones that create those problems and challenges in  our lives.

But how do we create our problems?

Just like everything else in our lives- with our thoughts. Do not believe anything I say! Check it for yourself! Stop for a split second and think of something bad that is going to happen tomorrow (anything, use your imagination) and check how you feel.

Your body starts getting tense, your heart starts pounding, your blood pressure raises, your mind immediately starts looking for ways to protect from what is going to happen, and you are literally waiting for it!
Now, remember, you made it up! It is not your reality! It is just an exercise, a fire drill if you will, but you feel all this physical responses literally! 

What do you think just happened here?

That’s right! You just realize exactly how you create all your problems.
The answer for all of this is to live in “NOW”. Not in the future (where bad things might happen), not in the past (where bad thing already happened and remembering them makes you feel bad), but right now, here, where we are suppose to be!

Thoughts like seeds, have a natural tendency to grow and manifest on the material level.

                                                                                                  -Remez Sasson


  1. So very true. Love the Fire drill idea: Powerful. Staying present to whats actually happening is one of the most empowering things we can do.
    Premakarini xo

  2. Good one! I like the fire drill idea as well. Keep posting and sharing. Best Wishes!

  3. And to live in the present is to relate in the present, to live in the future is relate to an expectation or a hope or a phantasy. It is removing yourself from the NOW and transporting yourself somewhere you think may exist sometime, but sadly everyone around you is in the NOW and if you leave the NOW you leave everyone behind and have no chance of a real connection... just one that exists in the maybe of the future.

  4. Wonderful comments guys!!!! Thank you for sharing them!!! I love you NOW!!! Love and Light! Irina
