We were so taught by our society to give everything that we experience an agenda ''Like or dislike button''(like in a facebook) that we really think that what we like will stay with us,and what we don't like will disappear That's not how is really works from the Universal energy point of it(which is the real Truth of the Creation).
How does that work then? See..... that unconditional love that all of us are trying to find in our lives, or at least to get to understand what it means, in reality is simply OUR ATTENTION! But attention without an agenda( + or -attached to it) or judgement! If you just put your attention on something or someone and let them Be the way there Are, you give them your unconditional love.This love that you give without any conditions ( agenda or judgments ) allows you to receive from that thing or person that you put your love (attention)to.
Lets see what happens when you add your buttons to it. Lets put the ''Like'' button first. When you say that you like something or someone you make a separation between you and whatever it is that you like. Even if that thing or person likes you back you can never receive each other. You have the same polarity (+).You will always like and want that thing ,but never received , never integrated it into your energy , never Be It!
Now,what happens if we dislike something(hoping that it disappears). When we don't like something we resist it ! But so happens in the energy world that what we resist -persist! So, what we don't like will stay with us for as long as we don't like it!
How cool is that? Not very! But this is the Truth of the Universal Laws that the whole Universe follows.!
Why do we go against these laws and expect to survive and have all the good things come to us ? Why is it that we can't find the balance and peace in our lives?
Guess what? It is not our fault(in a way ). We were taught to perceive life this way by our parents and people around us. The good thing is : we can teach ourselves the right way (The Universal Truth's way), and it doesn't take a lot of time and effort, all it take is knowledge and persistence.
Love and Light!
The Creator.
I could not agree more, I especially like the idea that once you decide that you either like or dislike something, you have separated yourself from it and cannot be as one, or integrated with it. When you judge or evaluate you think, you do not feel, and when you turn off the feeling part of your being, you start to rely on the the thinking part too much. This separated us from ourselves, and inherently from others. We are feeling creatures so to over think something is a way to hide or escape, but ultimately this leaves us unsatisfied and unfulfilled.